Member Responsibilities


Member Corporations must demonstrate keen interest and commitment to supplier diversity by adopting policies and practices that open up business opportunities for black suppliers and support their success in delivering on their business obligations. Member corporations are expected to designate one or more individuals with responsibility for corporate procurement as their representatives on the Council. 

The following responsibilities apply to Council members:

  • Nominate a Supplier Diversity Champion.
  • Nominate senior staff to serve on committees of the Council and/ or support and assist in other activities as requested.
  • Participate fully and support Council decisions and programmes.
  • Attend the Annual Meeting and participate in electing members.
  • Pay annual membership fees as set by the Council.
  • Report Rand value of purchases from black suppliers of goods and services, with only aggregate figures being reported within Council structures.

Committee Participation


Committees play a vital role in the overall operation of the SASDC. The involvement of our membership and certified suppliers in committees is a key component of our success. Listed below are some of the ad-hoc and standing committees of the Council. We strongly encourage our members to join at least one committee to support the continued development of the organisation and maintain an active voice in addressing the business concerns.